Winter Clearance!

Help me get rid of some extra colored acrylic and birch material, and take advantage of huge sale prices at the same time!

All Birch Rounds, Colored Rounds, and Small Acrylic Bridges (both clear and colored) are on sale at least 40% off!

Colored Rounds - $14 off! And save $10 on Birch Rounds or Small Bridges!

Plus, all 11" Rounds come with a fancy new 3D printed handle!

No promo code needed. Sale ends when supplies run out!

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New Beetle Sifting Size!

Introducing the GIANT Beetle Self-Sorting Tower! Over twice the size of the original, this clear acrylic monster will allow you to sift an entire of beetle tray at a time. Featuring TWO ramps and measuring in at 12x18.5", this beetle condominium will sort your beetles in no time at all! Just place some substrate and a couple juicy carrots or apple slices below and watch your beetles crawl out of the top tray and down below to their new home.

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  • Round Acrylic Pupae Sifter

    This round acrylic pupae sifter sits right inside your green sifting trays, and pulls out pupae from your substrate and worms.

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  • Stacking Sifter Set

    These stacking towers save space and sift your trays with gravity! Select from a wide variety of slot sizes, including our most popular pupae sifting sized slots

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  • Various Slot Sized Sifters

    Need a specific slot size to sort your large, medium, and small worms? These round sifters come in a HUGE variety of slot sizes. Buy individually or as a set of 5 or 10.

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  • Beetle Self-Sorting Trays

    This set of trays allows your beetles to sort themselves away from dead beetles, food scraps, or other debris they might be mixed in. Also works for worms!

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  • Giant Pupae Sifting Tray

    This 12x17" tray is perfect for the farmer who wants to sift a lot of pupae in a short amount of time. Larger than the Large Tray, you can sift an entire tray in just seconds with this Giant sifter!

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  • Extra Large

    Our largest upae sifter we make, this massive 16x24" tray is for the professionals! If you've got thousands of pupae to remove, this size is for you!

    This tray was designed to fit inside of a black concrete mixing tub common found at most hardware stores.

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